A new Module Editor Header design!
The new Module Builder Header has all the same logic and capabilities as the old header. Now, Creators discover a new UX design, including a new settings menu, breadcrumb navigation, and updated interactions with the Save and Preview buttons. These new features help direct Creators to perform the most relevant actions while configuring modules.
Share your Component configurations with Deep Linking!
We added the ability to deep link directly to a component in the Module Builder with additional URL parameters. Users can highlight a specific component in the Module Builder canvas (and Module Outline), or open a particular component’s settings modal on page-load. The two new query string parameters are “componentId” and “action”.
Highlighting a component in the Module Builder canvas on page-load: https://client-env.unqork.io/#/form/{moduleId}/edit?componentId={componentPropertyId}
Opening a component’s settings modal on page-load: https://client-env.unqork.io/#/form/{moduleId}/edit?componentId={componentPropertyId}&action=settings