6.22 Platform Release Notes
Version: 6.22.0
UAT Release Date: January 12, 2021
Quick Reminders
In October we launched Workspaces. Workspaces offer a more efficient way to manage multiple applications in the platform. Since then, we’ve added a range of updates based on your feedback. This is a reminder that we're moving Workspaces to General Availability in the next UAT release on January 12th, 2021.
What does that mean for you?
Workspaces becomes the default view on January 12th. App Builder will still be accessible via Settings until the second half of 2021. But, we encourage you to use Workspaces as we’ll continue to add updates. These updates will increase your productivity and efficiency in the platform.
Workspace Release Highlights
New filters added for quick access in Advanced Search (for example, Created by Me, Locked by Me, Recent).
Search now accepts empty strings.
Using Advanced Search, you can shortcut to an app.
Using Shared Elements, you can see connected apps.
Activate the Quick Search from anywhere in Workspaces, using the / hotkey.
jQuery Upgrade
The platform will upgrade to jQuery version 3.5.1 of on November 30th, 2020. With this upgrade, we'll only continue to support valid self-closing HTML tags. You can find more information on this upgrade on jQuery’s website.
The following is the complete list of valid self-closing tags:
<area />
<br />
<col />
<embed />
<hr />
<img />
<input />
<link />
<meta />
<param />
What does this mean for you?
This affects configurations using Content and/or HTML Element components. For components with non-valid self-closing HTML tags, you will need to update to valid HTML. Otherwise, your application may not render as expected. Please refer to the upgrade timeline outlined below. Our Customer Success team will do an impact analysis and reach out to you if this affects your Production application.
Upgrade Timeline
UAT (User Acceptance Testing) - January 12th, 2021
Production - January 26th, 2021
Module Building and Components
Text Area Component: Using the Trigger setting, you can now trigger other components. The trigger fires based on a change in the submission data.
Checkboxes Component: Using the Trigger setting, you can now trigger other components. The trigger fires based on a change in the submission data.
Panel Component: Using the Allow Clicking Outside Modal to Dismiss setting, lets you close a modal by clicking outside of the modal. This is in addition to normal modal dismissal mechanisms. In upholding accessibility standards, using the Esc key will always dismiss a modal.
Data Workflow Component: You now have the ability to search for a specific node within the Data Workflow component.
Frequently Used Components: Added a new Frequently Used section to the components tray. This section allows for quick and easy access to often-used components.
Trigger Type Setting: The Trigger Type setting now defaults to Manual instead of Watch. The Watch Trigger Type has a performance overhead. By defaulting to Manual, you're making conscious choices, following best practices, and building performant applications. The new default applies to the following components: Decisions, Initializer, Calculator, Data Workflow, DataMapper, and Plug-In.
Plug-In Component: To help reduce bad data, the Plug-In will update string true/false values to Boolean on component or module save. This has no Express View implications.
Button and Navigation Components: When configured for Save or Validation Events, you can now hide Success and Error prompts. This provides an optimized user experience.
Button Component: The component now supports the ability to set it to Disabled by default. This makes the configuration of certain use cases more efficient.
Property ID Setting: All components have best practice Property IDs set by default. For example, Calculators now default to “calc” not “transformerField”.
Content Component: Content component actions no longer block part of the Content component.
Canvas Label Text Setting: The Label Text setting will show as Canvas Label Text for all components with Label Text hidden in Express View.
Plug-In Validation on Placeholder Setting: Where a Plug-In URL includes a placeholder value, a warning message now shows.

Chart Component: Resolved an issue with the Stack Series setting that prevented expected functionality.
Data Workflow Component: Resolved an issue where the component returns an error on a ‘0’ value required input.
DataMapper Component: Resolved an issue preventing more than 50 rows from displaying in the data table.
Number Component: Resolved an issue displaying a numeric keypad with a decimal button on mobile. This is so the Number component can accept decimal values.
ViewGrid Component: Resolved an issue that resets the Select All setting to unselected when updating source data.
ViewGrid Component: Resolved an issue when filtering, the Select All setting selects data from the filtered view rather than the entire data set.
File Upload Component: Resolved an issue that MIME types present as valid inputs where defining accepted file formats.
Date Input Component: Resolved an issue to show the Calendar icon when the component displays in Calendar View.
Radio Buttons Component: Resolved an issue related to the Radio Buttons component with a Data Reference Key. All components located below the Radio Buttons component become invisible in Module Builder and Express View.
Module Load Time: Resolved an issue causing higher load times on opening some component settings in large modules.

Screen/Task Node: The Screen/Task node inspector now has functionality to let you Navigate From a Task with Validation Errors.
Screen/Task Node: The Screen/Task node inspector now includes drop-down sectioning. This design change offers a neater and more organized look.

Save Workflow Button: The button shows as blue or white dependent on whether you have unsaved changes. And resolved an issue where the button didn't flip for unsaved settings changes.
Validation Setting: Resolved an issue around inconsistent error handing on backward navigation. This affected tasks with validation in place. Validation no longer applies when navigating with the Go To or Previous buttons.
Timer Start Node: Resolved an issue allowing entry of any numeric value in the node's Exact Time / Day of Month fields.
Timer Start Node: Resolved an issue allowing entry of 31 days for any month for Exact Time / Yearly configurations.
Initializers: Resolved an issue causing Initializers to activate slowly when editing a submission.
Workflow URL: Resolved an issue where the workflow ID replaced the module ID of a module submission when entered into a workflow URL.
Triggers: Resolved an issue where the Triggers auto-complete appeared disabled in Firefox.
Core APIs and Administration

Data Collections: Exposed a new public API endpoint for reloading data in a Data Collection. This endpoint is for use alongside integration jobs in Workflow.
Authentication: Added new Disable Login Screen setting to Environment Administration. This setting prevents authentication with a username/password in a given environment.
Promotions: Module Archives (accessible to promote via API) now shown on the Application Promotion Details Page when promoted.
Environment Administration: Extended the Content Security Policy settings to also allow for specifying object-src. This change allows for tighter security requirements.
Password Expiry: End-users must reset their password when their password expires. When using the OAuth 2 flow for login, your end-user must also reset their password on expiry.
Service Setup: Where you've selected auth type Encryption, Decryption, FTP, or HMAC Service the Protocol/Host setting is now hidden.
Password Expiry: When updating their password, end-users can't reuse their previous 5 passwords.
Preview Module Button and Server Side Execute Button: These buttons are now hidden in Production in the Unqork Designer Platform.
Environment Administration View: The platform now supports comma-separated lists for single sign-on mappings for "designerRoles". This allows for designer single sign-on using the Environment Administration view and native functionality.
Delete User Modal: Styling for the modal for the Creator User Editor is visually updated.

Style Administration: Resolved an issue with previously deleted styles in Style Administration. During promotion, these styles now show up in the target environment.
Global Variables: Resolved an issue where users without access to edit Global Variables can load the Administration screen. In this case the Administration screen loads with an empty table.
Module Archives Promotion API: Resolved an issue to remove the duplicate key error when using this API.
File Storage Component: Resolved an issue where double quotes in the Input caused an execution failure.
Creator Users: Resolved an issue around deleting Creator Users. Now, you can delete a Creator User converted over from an Express User (with Service User checkbox selected).
Global Variables: Resolved an issue allowing your end-user to create new Global Variables in Staging.
Windows-based SAML Identity Providers: Resolved an issue where Single Sign-On failed with some providers.
Creator User Roles: Resolved an issue to render the permission hierarchy (CRUD) when creating and editing Creator User Roles.

Advanced Search: Now, creators can now see what app a module, data collection or workflow belongs to. Creators can link direct to that app’s page for easy promotion and navigation.
Unshare from App: Navigating shared settings just got easier. Now, when a module shares with a single application, a creator can unshare the app from the app screen.
Arrow Key Search Navigation: Now you don't need to touch your mouse to get where you're going. The interstitial Search modal is now navigable by arrow keys.
Page Navigation: Previously, some links didn't let creators right-click and open in a new tab. And, we've taken the top locations in Workspaces and made them links.

Shared Modules: Resolved an issue to show modules shared to multiple apps in the connected elements for those apps.
Search: Resolved an issue to prevent Search breaking on certain terms in multiple environments.
App Elements: Resolved an issue where App Elements showed as part of two app module definitions when they were not shared.
Default Workspaces: Resolved an issue where some environments had multiple Default Workspaces.
Workflow Apps: Resolved an issue preventing users from duplicating some workflow apps.
Connect Shared Data/Modules Button: Resolved an issue where clicking the button didn't return the expected element list.
Sorting: Resolved an issue where Workspaces sort prioritized capitalized letters over lower case.