Inline Buttons Sheet
Code Lines
code example
Example: So, we know the Regex is looking for a pattern something like /^([a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})*$/ in the email address string.
Code Block/Snippet
Example with Copy button
To remove the copy button, right click the button and then select delete.
Example without Copy button
Inline Images
(ON) | (OFF) |
Next | Previous | Save and Exit | Save | Save Workflow
When multi-word buttons are displayed later in a sentence, they might break in the middle, to fix this issue, we're adding a whitespace modifier: Save Workflow
Stacked Buttons
Inline: EditOpenDelete | Table Settings: EditOpenDelete (Old)
Inline: Edit Drop-down arrow Open Delete| Table Settings: EditOpenDelete (New no space)
Inline: Edit
Delete| Table Settings: EditOpenDelete (New with space)
Stacked buttons have an image above the text, these are commonly found in our Workflow node articles.
Workflow Edit button: Click Edit to open the task node.
Edit a workflow node:
Open a Task node module:
1. | Select your Employee Information ![]() |
2. | Click ![]() |
3. | Select ![]() |
Styled Workflow Nodes
Inline Workflow Node Style - Task node
Icon Workflow Node - Task
Styled Components
Primary Components
Text Field | Text Area |
Checkboxes |
Multi-Select Dropdown | Radio Buttons |
Dropdown | Number |
Date Input |
Single Checkbox
Secondary Components
Button |
Email |
Phone Number |
Intl Phone Number |
Address Search | c |
Display & Layout Components
HTML Element | Content |
Columns | Panel |
Navigation |
Field Group |
ViewGrid | Table |
Advanced Datagrid
Data & Event Processing Components
File | Decisions |
Initializer |
Calculator |
Data Table |
Checkpoint |
Hidden | Plug-In | Data Workflow |
File Storage |
Browser Storage |
Data Mapper |
Charts & Graphs Components
Styled Nodes
Task |
End |
Exclusive Gateway |
Message |
Handoff |
Start |
Styled Buttons
Workspace Tab Nav
Applications |
Schemas |
Data Models |
Record Collections
Module Builder Header
Workspaces | Library ▾ | Marketplace | Help | Settings ▾ | Show
Side Nav Tabs:
Inline, use these snippets in steps or paragraphs:
Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. | Notes |
Display |
Data |
Validation |
Advanced |
Permissions |
Field Tags |
Shortcuts |
Documentation |
Actions : Cancel | Save & Close
Table, use these snippets in tables, they have a special "nowrap" command that prevents the table from "breaking" them down if the table is too small:
Property ID | Notes |
Display |
Data |
Validation |
Advanced |
Permissions |
Field Tags |
Shortcuts |
Documentation |
Actions : Cancel | Save & Close
Table Buttons:
Check Status | Open
Delete |
Classic Buttons:
+ Create App | Save & Close | Save... | + Create New | Create | Save | Delete
Manage ▾ | Preview | Save | ... | Save... | ··· | Upload | | Publish
Old Save Buttons:
SaveSave Workflow
Delete Buttons:
Yes, DeleteDelete
Status Colors (Style Admin / Records Collections)
Default | Red | Orange | Purple | Blue | Grey
Data Model
Draft |
DSI Module Builder:
PropertyID Labeled
Version Control System
Reset | Search | Search by Text | All Applications ▾ | Sort By ▾ | + Create New Collection | +Create Branch | Open App Details | Create Branch