Inline Buttons Sheet

Code Lines


code example

Example: So, we know the Regex is looking for a pattern something like /^([a-zA-Z0-9._%-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})*$/ in the email address string.

Code Block/Snippet

Example with Copy button

To remove the copy button, right click the button and then select delete.

Example without Copy button

Inline Images

 (ON) | (OFF) |


Next | Previous | Save and Exit | Save | Save Workflow

When multi-word buttons are displayed later in a sentence, they might break in the middle, to fix this issue, we're adding a whitespace modifier: Save Workflow

Stacked Buttons

Inline: EditOpenDelete | Table Settings: EditOpenDelete (Old)

Inline: Edit Drop-down arrow Open Delete| Table Settings: EditOpenDelete (New no space)

Inline:  Edit Open Delete| Table Settings: EditOpenDelete (New with space)

Stacked buttons have an image above the text, these are commonly found in our Workflow node articles.

Workflow Edit button: Click Edit to open the task node.

Edit a workflow node: 

Open a Task node module

1. Select your Employee Information  Task node to open its Settings Menu.
2. Click (Expand) to expand the node Settings Menu.
3. Select  Open to open the Employee Informationmodulein the Module Builder.

Styled Workflow Nodes

Inline Workflow Node Style -       Task node

Icon Workflow Node - Task 

Styled Components

Primary Components

 Text Field | Icon Text Area | Single Checkbox component Icon Checkboxes | Text Field Component Icon Multi-Select Dropdown | Radio Buttons | Dropdown Component Icon Dropdown | Number | Date Input Icon Date Input | Single Checkbox component Icon Single Checkbox

Secondary Components

Button component Icon Button |  Email | Phone Number | Intl Phone Number | Address Search icon Address Search | c | Signature Icon Signature

Display & Layout Components

 HTML Element | Text Field Component Icon Content | Columns Component Icon Columns | Panel | Navigation Component Icon Navigation | icon Field Group | Dropdown Component Icon ViewGrid | Table | Advanced Data Grid Icon Advanced Datagrid

Data & Event Processing Components

File | Decisions Component icon Decisions | Radio Button component icon Initializer |  Calculator | Dropdown Component Icon Data Table | Checkpoint | iconHidden | Plug-In | Data Workflow | File Storage Icon File Storage | Browser Storage Icon Browser Storage | Data Mapper Icon Data Mapper |

Charts & Graphs Components

KPI Icon KPI |

Styled Nodes

      Task |   End | Exclusive Gateway |   Message |   Handoff |   Start |   Signal

Styled Buttons

Workspace Tab Nav

 Applications |  Schemas |  Data Models |  Record Collections

Module Builder Header

Workspaces | Library ▾ | Marketplace | Help | Settings ▾ | Show

Side Nav Tabs:

Inline, use these snippets in steps or paragraphs:

Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module. | Notes Display Icon DisplayData Icon Data | Validation Icon Validation | Advanced Icon Advanced | Permissions Icon Permissions | Field Tag Icon Field Tags | Shortcuts Icon Shortcuts | Documentation Icon Documentation | Actions Icon Actions : Cancel | Save & Close

Table, use these snippets in tables, they have a special "nowrap" command that prevents the table from "breaking" them down if the table is too small:

Property ID | Notes Display Icon DisplayData Icon Data | Validation Icon Validation | Advanced Icon Advanced | Permissions Icon Permissions | Field Tag Icon Field Tags | Shortcuts Icon Shortcuts | Documentation Icon Documentation | Actions Icon Actions : Cancel | Save & Close

Table Buttons:

Check Status | Open

Delete |

Classic Buttons:

+ Create App | Save & Close | Save... | + Create New | Create | Save | Delete

Manage ▾ | Preview  | Save  | ...  | Save...  | ···  | Upload |  | Publish

Old Save Buttons:

SaveSave Workflow

Delete Buttons:

Yes, DeleteDelete

Status Colors (Style Admin / Records Collections)

Default | Red | Orange | Purple | Blue | Grey

Data Model

Draft Icon Draft | Lock Icon Published

DSI Module Builder:


PropertyID Labeled

Property ID A Property ID is the unique field ID used by Unqork to track and link components in your module.   

Version Control System

Reset | Search | Search by Text | All Applications ▾ |  Sort By ▾ | + Create New Collection | +Create Branch | Open App Details | Create Branch