Logging into Unqork

Overview A static image of the login screen for Unqork environments.

When logging into Unqork, you are required to use your environment credentials. This article also provides guidance for logging into your environment for the first time, using a temporary password, and changing your password. This login process is the same whether you are accessing Unqork's Classic or UDesigner platform.

What You'll Learn

In this article, you'll learn how to access the Classic or UDesigner platforms in your environment, as well as log in, log out, and change your password.

Accessing Unqork's Classic and UDesigner Platforms

The only difference between accessing the two Unqork platforms is the URL. To access the two Unqork platforms in your environment, use the following URL format:

  • Unqork's Classic Platform: https://{environment-subdomain}.unqork.io

  • Unqork's UDesigner Platform: https://{environment-subdomain}.cloud.unqork.io

For example, if you are logging into the Training environment using the Classic and UDesigner platforms, you'll use the following URLs:

  • Unqork's Classic Platform: https://training.unqork.io

  • Unqork's UDesigner Platform: https://training.cloud.unqork.io

First-Time Login

When creating your user account, Unqork generates a temporary password. You'll receive this temporary password in an email from no-reply@unqork.com.

To log in for the first time:

1. Click the environment link provided to you.
2. In the Email field, enter your email address.
3. In the Password field, enter the temporary password provided to you.

Create a bookmark for your environment for easy access.

4. Click Login.

Changing Your Password

On the first-time login, you're prompted to create a new password.

To change your password:

1. At the Reset Password notification, click the OK button.
2. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter a new password.
3. Click Change Password.

You’re now logged into that platform using your new credentials.

Future Login

After completing your first-time login, future logins are straightforward.

For your next login:

1. Open your browser and enter your environment URL to access one of Unqork's two platforms. For example, https://{environment-subdomain}.unqork.io for Unqork's Classic platform and https://{environment-subdomain}.cloud.unqork.io for Unqork's UDesigner platform.
2. In the Email field, enter your email address.
3. In the Password field, enter your password.
4. Click Login.

Logging Out

To log out of the platform, click Logout at the top right of your environment. You now return to the Unqork login page.

Requesting a New Password

If you forget your password, you can request a new one.

To request a new password:

1. At the login screen, click Forgot Password.
2. In the Email field, enter your email address.
3. Click Forgot Password.
4. At the info pop-up, click OK. You’ll be redirected to the change password screen.
5. In the Verification Code field, enter your verification code. You’ll receive this code from your personalized Verification Code email.
6. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, enter a new password.
7. Click Change Password.
8. At the informational page, click OK.

Now you can log in using your new password.