Case Management Admin UI: Administrator Role


Unqork's Case Management Solution provides business teams with an intuitive interface to manage, maintain, and monitor entity, case, and task types. Case Management administrators use this interface to customize the solution to ensure the correct information is gathered. That way, case workers can follow the correct processes to complete their work.

TIP  To learn more about the various elements that are part of the Case Management Solution, view our Introduction to Case Management Solution article.

Click the tabs below to navigate between the different Case Management settings.

Entity Types

Entity types are what you create cases and tasks against. Clicking Entity Types lets you view existing entity types and create new ones.

Navigating the Entity Type Page

The Entity Type page displays all active entity types in your Case Management Solution. Administrators use this page to create, edit, or delete entity types.

A static image displaying the Enitity Type page with a dashboard of all active entity types.

Below are the available attributes and actions administrators can take on the Entity Type page:

  Attribute Description


+ Create Entity Type

Lets administrators create an entity type and define its data fields.



The name of the active entity type.



A description of the active entity type.



The available actions administrators can take on existing entity types. These actions include:

  • Edit: Lets you edit an entity type's name, description, and data fields.

  • Delete: Permanently deletes an entity type.

    NOTE  If there are existing entities in an entity type, the delete action is deactivated for that entity type.

Navigating the Create Entity Type Page

Clicking + Create Entity Type navigates you to the Create Entity Type page. This page lets you create an entity type and define its data fields. Which data fields you configure depends on the type of information you want to collect. The Create Entity Type page consists of the Details and Information tabs.

A static image displaying the Create Entity Type page and the available attributes and actions administrators can take.

Tab Description


Lets administrators name and describe the Entity Type.


Lets administrators add information related to the Entity Type.


The Entity Types Details contains the basic information about the Entity Type.

  Attribute Description



Use this field to create a name for the entity type.

* This field is required.



Use this field to create a description of the entity type.

* This field is required.



Click this button to return to the Create Entity Type page without making changes.



Clicking this button creates and applies changes to the entity type.

NOTE  If no fields exist in the Information tab, then this button is disabled.


The Entity Types Information page lets you customize the data fields in the Entity Type. Like the Module Builder, the Information page uses a component tray and canvas layout for managing data fields.

A static image displaying the Create Enttiy Types Information page.

  Attribute Description


Type of Component Tray

Drag and drop one of the Custom Fields elements onto the Canvas. After dragging an element onto the canvas, the element's settings display in the Settings Pane.

IMPORTANT  When you configure data fields for your Entity Type, at least one data field must have the Search and Display settings enabled.

TIP  To learn more about the available data field components, view the Case Management Solution Data section of this article.



Displays custom fields added from the Type Of Component Tray. Mouse over an added component to see additional settings and options.


Settings Pane

Displays an element's settings.

NOTE  When editing an element, you cannot interact with the canvas.

If no element is selected, the Settings Pane is empty.

Case Management Data Fields

When creating entity, case, and task types, administrators can define the data fields for the information that case workers should collect. You'll configure data fields using components that let you define how case workers and managers interact with the case, task, or entity, and how the information is used and stored. For example, you might want the case worker to select an option from a drop-down menu. So, you'll use the Dropdown component to define the options you want case workers to select from in drop-down menu.

The available components include:

Component Description

Text Field

Use this component when you want to gather information in sentence and paragraph form. You can determine the minimum and maximum length of the text, make it a required field, and even add a tooltip to guide the case worker or manager.

Single-Select Checkbox

Use this component to create an individual checkbox that a case worker might need to select before finishing a task, starting a case, or creating an entity instance.

Radio Buttons

Use this component to create radio buttons that case workers and managers can select. It's a best practice to use this component when you need a case worker or manager to make a single selection from five or fewer options.

File Component

Use this component to allow case workers and managers to upload assets into a case, task, or entity instance. For example, uploading a signed NDA (non-disclosure agreement) as a PDF file.


Use this component to provide case workers and managers the ability to select an option from a drop-down menu.


Use this component to allow case workers and managers to acknowledge a statement or process. For example, checking a box to acknowledge the information above is accurate.

Columns (Task Types Only)

Use this component to organize elements in a task type.
