How to: Set Up SendGrid Inbound Parse for Case Management


The SendGrid Inbound Parse webhook A webhook is a way for applications to communicate with each other in real time by sending data automatically when a specific event occurs. Webhooks are also known as event-based APIs. enables administrators to set the email domain for Case Management's Email to Case feature. For example, instead of directing case emails to{environment}, administrators can adjust their email mapping to insurance-claims.team1@{{}}, where {{}} is the address set in SendGrid's Inbound Parse settings.

Read about SendGrid's Inbound Parse settings in the following article:

In this how-to guide, administrators will learn how to set up the SendGrid Inbound Parse webhook to customize their Email to Case email addresses.

Setting Up the SendGrid Inbound Parse Webhook

To change your Case Management's Case to Email address(es), set up a SendGrid Inbound Parse webhook A webhook is a way for applications to communicate with each other in real time by sending data automatically when a specific event occurs. Webhooks are also known as event-based APIs. that directs the data to your Unqork environment's Parser module. Then, apply that address to your Case Management Email to Case settings.

Review Case Management Email to Case settings in our Case Management Admin UI: Administrator Role article.

What You Need

To set up SendGrid's Inbound Parse and adjust the Case Management application settings, you need:

To set up a SendGrid Inbound Parse from the SendGrid dashboard:

1. Click Settings.
2. Click Inbound Parse. The Inbound Parse page displays.
3. Click the Add Host & URL button.
4. Under Receiving Domain, from the sub-domain (optional) and domain drop-downs, select an authenticated domain.

To learn more about authenticated domains, view SendGrid's How to Set Up Domain Authentication article:

5. In the Destination URL field, specify your Unqork environment's Parser module using the following format: {{EXPRESS_ENV}}/fbu/uapi/modules/{{PARSER_MODULE_ID}}/api, where {{EXPRESS_ENV}} is your environment's Express View Express View is how your end-user views your application. Express View also lets you preview your applications to test your configuration and view the styling. This is also the view your end-users will see when interacting with your application. After configuring a module, click Preview in the Module Builder to interact with the module in Express View. address, and {{PARSER_MODULE_ID}} is the Parser module. The Parser module ID for Case Management is 6663240e930cf1f996d6775a.
6. Click Save.

Now that the SendGrid Inbound Parse Webhook is set up, adjust the Case Management Email to Case setting to use the new address.

Change the Case Management Email to Case Email Mapping

Navigate to your Case Management settings and modify the Case to Email mapping settings.

From the Case Management page:

1. Click Settings.
2. From the menu to the left, click Email to Case.
3. In the Email Mappings table's Email addresses to send to column, enter the email address, including the domain value set up in the SendGrid Inbound Parse settings. For example,

If Enable Email to Case is set to (ON), and the Email addresses to send to field is disabled, contact your Unqork representative and inquire about the latest version of the Case Management Solution.

4. Click Save.

Your custom domain and email address for Case Management's Case to Emails function is ready. Test your setup by sending a case email to the address set in your Email to Case mapping.
