Introduction to the Novice Configurator Program: Beyond Basics

Welcome to the Novice Configurator Program: Beyond Basics. In this Creator Workshop program, you'll continue building your employee travel request application - starting right where you left off in the Building Your First App program.

The Novice Configurator Program is split into two Creator Workshop programs: Building Your First App and Beyond Basics. These programs mirror what you learn during the Creator Workshop Day 1 and Day 2 live sessions. The purpose of the program is to give you flexibility in your learning journey. Meaning that you can switch between the two learning mediums as you go.

Once you complete the Beyond Basics program, you can take the Novice Configurator Exam to receive your Novice Configurator Badge.

What You'll Learn

In the  Building Your First App program, you created a workflow-type application that intakes employee travel request information and validates employee email addresses. If the validation is successful, the application displays additional information to the end-user End-users, also known as Express Users, are the individuals accessing an application through Express View. In most cases, end-users are the customers using the product.. This information includes the estimated cost based on the airport the employee departs from and arrives at. If unsuccessful, the application notifies the end-user that their request has been denied.

In Beyond Basics, you'll learn how to use an external API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. (application programming interface) to display accurate currency exchange rates to the end-user. You'll also learn how to notify and display travel requests for manager roles to approve.

Beyond Basics Learning Steps

To simplify your learning experience, the Beyond Basics program consists of four (Steps 9-12) sections. These sections are called steps. Each step contains articles that teach you the basics of each component and how to configure them. Once you are familiar with the concepts of each step, you'll apply what you've learned in a use case step. Each use case step brings you closer to completing your first, fully-functional Creator Workshop application. The Beyond Basics program picks up where you left off in the Building Your First App program (Steps 1-8).

In the Beyond Basics program, you'll complete the following use case steps:

Step 9: Using External API Calls to Retrieve Currency Exchange Rates

To prepare for the use case article, you'll learn about APIs, Plug-In, and Number components. You'll also learn about the Data Workflow component and its Input, Get, and Output operators.

In this use case article, you'll learn how to set up API APIs (application programming interfaces) are a set of protocols and definitions developers use to build and integrate application software. APIs act as the connective tissue between products and services. calls to convert currency exchange rates.

Step 10: Creating a Manager Review Screen

To prepare for the use case article, you'll learn about the Signal node.

In this use case article, you'll learn how to create a manager approval screen in a workflow. You'll use a Signal node to notify employee roles after submitting their travel requests. You'll use a Message node to email manager roles with a link that takes them to the manager approval screen to approve travel requests.

Step 11: Messaging Approved or Denied Travel Request Emails to Employees

In this use case article, you'll use your existing knowledge of Exclusive Gateway and Message nodes to create two different message pathways for approving or denying travel request submissions.

Step 12: Creating a Dashboard to Display Submitted Travel Requests

To prepare for the use case article, you'll learn about using Charts and Graphs in Unqork. You'll also learn about the KPI, Chart, and ViewGrid components.

In this use case article, you'll learn how to create a dashboard module that displays all travel requests submitted to the manager role in your application.


What You Should Know Before Starting This Program

Before taking this program, you must complete the  Building Your First App Creator Workshop program or the Creator Workshop Day 1: Building Your First App live session. You must also have access to your completed Building Your First App workflow-type application in the Unqork Platform.

Each use case step is one part of the Creator Workshop application configuration. Your configuration isn't complete until finishing Step 12. When viewing and testing your application before its completion, you might encounter errors or incomplete configurations.

Continue Your Learning

In the next article, you'll begin Step 9 of the Beyond Basics program. In the first article of Step 9, you'll learn how to set up API calls to convert currency exchange rates.